Bahçekapı'daki Yerçanik adlı lokantanın sahibiydi. Bu lokanta, aydınlar ve siyasetçiler için önemli bir toplantı yeri olmuştur. Sırf bu nedenle tehcir edildi; 50 yaşında, taşralı, maharetli ve neşeli bir adamdı.
(Teotig'in 1915'te ölen Ermeni aydınlara adanmış 1919 tarihli Huşartzan Abril Dasnımegi [11 (24) Nisan Anı Albümü] adlı kitabının 80 numarası, s. 62)
1 yorum:
Dear Robert,
I would like to bring to your attention another book published by Yerchangahishadag Mesrob Srpazan Ashjian’s Mughni Publishing House in Yerevan (2002) authored by Garine Avakian. The name of the book is Yeghernashooch Masoonk Gam Khosdovanoghk yev Vgahk Khachi.
The book is a about a rosary (tesbih tash – OOLOONKASHAR) which one of the Chankiri exiles made by carving each exiles name on a stone, altogether 103 names (it had 99 stones, one with each exile’s name – 55th stone had two and the 86th had 4 names.)
The carver of the rosary was Varteres Attanesian (Stone number 71) who did not survive but the rosary found its way to Bolis first and then Paris. When his daughter Eugene Attanesian-Ghoulbohian emigrated to Soviet Armenia, she donated it to the State History Museum.
Yerchanig Aram’s name was carved on the 50th stone. Right after number 49 Khocho Artin-Haroutyun Pekmezian and before number 51 Zenop (There is no other information about this fellow, neither in Teotig nor in Balakian.)
Gomidas Vartabed (1869-19350) of Gudinia had his name carved on stone number 1.
Avo Gazal,
New York
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